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Musicians from soundSCAPE

Musicians from soundSCAPE  After The End

After The End

After The End by Musicians from soundSCAPE on the New Focus Recordings label:

1. After the End, jj.59
2. I. Invocación
3. II. Danza del Alba
4. III. Danza del Sueño Ligero
5. IV. Danza Nocturna
6. V. El Río Pasa
7. VI. Danza del Fuego
8. VII. Arrullo de Muerte
9. Chance Forest Interludes: I. From point to line: Going out for a walk (Paul Klee)
10. Kikai no Mori: I. Tinguely
11. Chance Forest Interludes: II. Genghis (Rodney Brooks)
12. Kikai no Mori: II. Genghis?
13. Chance Forest Interludes: III. Follow the feeling of the piece; then wrestle it into being (Jean Tinguely)
14. Kikai no Mori: III. Machine with Chinese Fan
15. Chance Forest Interludes: IV. I imagine myself as a machine. What would I love? I'd love to be bathed in oil (Arthur Ganson)
16. Kikai no Mori: IV. Mandala Tequila
17. Chance Forest Interludes: V. Rise above the weight of the world; show, with all your gravity, the secret of lightness
18. Kikai no Mori: V. Machine with Wishbone
19. Chance Forest Interludes: VI. The only thing that stays... is movement
20. Kikai no Mori: VI. Twittering Machine
21. Chance Forest Interludes: VII. From point to line: New Life on old soil. No here, no there. Only everywhere (Paul Klee)
22. Kikai no Mori: VII. Machine with Artichoke Petal?
23. Chance Forest Interludes: VIII. Poema 12 (Oliverio Girondo)
24. Kikai no Mori: VIII. Things That Go...

Condition: EXC
Label: New Focus Recordings
Label Catalogue Number: FCR230
Format: CD
